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  • First Christian Church of Asheville
    470 Enka Lake Road, Candler, NC 28715

    3 sessions for 5 families each. If children are in multiple age groups, choose any session.
         10am = ages 2-5
         11am = ages 6-8
         12pm = ages 9-12+

    After each hunt, children can play in the Sensory Room. Snacks will be provided in the Fellowship Hall.

    More Fun -- Bring a paint smock or old shirt for each person who wants to decorate an Easter cookie!

    REGISTER: Send an email to  Include names of parents, children, phone number, & preferred session.

    Free photos will be taken with cell phones & emailed to the person or to a family member.

    If the weather is rainy, the egg hunt will be inside the church.